Monday, June 14, 2010

More on hakin......................

Today, we are goin to talk abt the 5 top hackerzz of d world...............................

1st     Kevin Mitnick
          He is the most wanted computer criminal in the United States till date. Not much of his discription is            given by the US agencies. His exploits were detailed in 2 movies.... Freedom downtime n Takedown
2nd    Jonathan James
          He gained popularity when he became the first teenager to be sent to prision for computer crime.
          He, at the age of 16, hacked into the NASA computers stealing software worth approximately
          $1.7 million.
3rd    Adrian Lamo
         He is also known as the "Homeless Hacker". He hacked into the computers of major organisations lyk
        The Newyork Times and Microsoft. He used the computers at the libraries and coffee shops to do this.
        It is also said that "He hacks by day and squats by night".
4th   Kevin Poulsen
        He is also called "Dark Dante". He gained popularity when he hacked into the LA radio's FM phone
        lines. His hacking also made him earn a brand new porshe.
5th   Robert Tappan Morris
        He is also known as the creator of Morris worm, the first computer worm unleashed on the internet.
        Not much nformation is given out by the US agencies about this person as he was kept under secret